Oslo, Norway – April 22, 2004
Opera Software today released the beta 1 of version 7.50, redesigned from the bottom up for Windows, Mac, Linux, FreeBSD and Solaris. Today’s release marks the first time that upgrades for all desktop platformshave been released simultaneously, with Opera now bringing its Mac browser up to par. Opera 7.50 offersusers a significantly improved user experience, with added Internet functions and an entirely new user interface.
With 7.50, Opera becomes more than a Web browser. Along with browsing, Opera users get an enhanced built-ine-mail client, Opera Mail, and a new IRC-compatible chat feature. Opera Mail offers intelligent e-mailingwith support for instant content search, a contact database, a newsgroup reader, automatic filtering, andnow features spellchecker and RSS newsfeeds. Spam filtering is taken a step further in this release byallowing users to teach filters to recognize a class of messages. Classified e-mails are then automaticallydirected to a designated work, personal, or special interest folder to tailor e-mail management.
Upon opening the browser, Opera users will immediately recognize a completely remodelled interface with a fresh,light appearance, smaller buttons, and quicker access to key browsing features in the panel selector. Thepanel selector is optimized for speed and productivity and includes features such as bookmarks, notes andis home to Opera Mail and the debuting chat feature that supports private and group discussions.
“Opera’s superior Internet experience is further enhanced with Opera 7.50,” says Jon S. von Tetzchner, CEO ofOpera Software. “Opera now delivers all mainstream Internet applications in a single, seamless product acrossplatforms. In our features power pack, fans will notice significant speed boosting in everything from start-uploading time, page rendering, e-mail search, UI tweaks, to even exiting the application.”
7.50 continues to push Opera in speed and improves standards support, while maintaining its status as thesmallest full-featured browser available.
For more information, please refer to the changelog.
The browser is available free of charge with a sponsored advertising banner in the top-right corner of theuser interface. Users can register their version to omit the advertising banner, receive access to supportand receive 6 months free use of Opera Web Mail Premium for only USD 29 during Opera’s special Happy Hourcampaign, running for a limited time only. Various discounts apply.