Ahead of the game: Opera Introduces Native SVG Support in Desktop Release

Oslo, Norway – March 16, 2005

Opera Software ASA today released a Beta 3version of the next Opera browser for desktop, introducing native ScalableVector Graphics (SVG 1.1 Tiny) to further advance Web sites andapplications. Opera is the first browser to natively support SVGtechnology as part of its continuing effort to provide the fastest, mostsecure and state-of-the art browser on the market.


SVG is an XML-based language for Web graphics developed by the World WideWeb Consortium (W3C). It enables Web developers to create the nextgeneration of interactive and personalized Web applications inhigh-quality vector graphics instead of bitmaps, which are most often usedon Web sites today. SVG can therefore be scaled to fit any screen – fromsmall mobile devices to high-resolution printers. As opposed toproprietary vector-based Web technologies, SVG is an open, text-basedstandard, and can be reached and indexed by search engines. By combiningSVG with existing Web standards like HTML, CSS, JavaScript and DOM, Operais prepared to support the next generation of Web sites.


“We believe SVG will enter mainstream Web design in the future and we arevery pleased to add native support in the Opera browser”, says Hakon WiumLie, CTO, Opera Software. “We will work with other vendors to ensure thatSVG can be used interoperably on the Web.”

“As the Internet is maturing we see that most new Web sites are no longerstatic displays of information, but rather complex online applicationsthat use advanced Web technologies to enable improved interactivity,speed, and services,” says Jon S. von Tetzchner, CEO, Opera Software. “Itis only natural that Web browsers support Web technologies natively,rather than by having to keep adding plug-ins. By integrating SVG support,Opera continues its tradition of bringing innovation to the Web andsetting the de-facto standard for Web browsers.”

Opera’s desktop browser has undergone dramatic improvements in performanceand security, with new features such as anti-phishing technology. NativeSVG 1.1 Tiny support has been integrated in Opera’s Core code for the nextdesktop release, and will be available also on other devices shortly. Thecompany is preparing for the launch of the final version of its nextdesktop browser, and the Beta 3 version is available as a free download from www.opera.com.

For a demo of native SVG support, download Opera Beta 3 and visit www.opera.com/features/svg/

Learn more about SVG at www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/About.html