Enjoy peaceful browsing free from love propaganda this 14th February – with different modes depending on your level of heartbreak
13 February 2024 – Oslo, Norway: Think Valentine’s Day is just an over commercialized vomit-fest? Has your heart been crushed once again? Just want a browsing experience free from cringy love propaganda? As always, Opera GX, the browser for gamers, has got your back.
“Love can be a touchy subject. Especially on 14th February. But with HeartBlocker you can now shield yourself from all that romance stuff and focus on the things that really matter. Like building up your team in Palworld,” said Maciej Kocemba, product director at Opera. “This Valentine’s Day why not love your browser and enjoy a completely amour-free online experience”

Introducing the HeartBlocker browser extension designed to keep your online experience free from love-themed text and images. The Text Replacement feature scans your online content for love-theme words and replaces them with more neutral terminology. For example, the term ‘Valentine’s Day’ is replaced with ‘14th February’, ‘kiss’ becomes ‘mouth to mouth contact’, while ‘couple’ becomes ‘romantic situation’.

The Image Remover feature works similarly to banish overly pink images, likely to be Valentine’s Day related advertisements. While the Monochrome Coloured Glasses tool turns any part of a website which is pink into a different color, or darkens it significantly.
The HeartBlocker extension also comes with two settings. For those that view Valentine’s Day as just an annoyance there’s ‘Normal-Mode’ – which simply replaces text and images with something more neutral. While for the truly heartbroken there’s ‘Emo Mode’ which massively turns up the sad factor, replacing words with more severe alternatives – like ‘Valentine’s Day’ being replaced with ‘cursed day’. While hearts and pink colors turn black.
To activate the HeartBlocker extension, simply visit the HeartBlocker website and activate the extension, or activate it via the upgrade page in Opera GX.
The HeartBlocker event will start on the 13th of February at 6pm CET and will last until the 15th of February at 7pm CET. The event will be available in English, French, Spanish, German, and Polish languages.
Download Opera GX by visiting www.opera.com/gx.
About Opera
Opera is a web innovator building on more than 25 years of innovation that started with the Opera web browser. While Opera is leveraging its brand and engaged user base in order to grow and develop new products and services for people who seek a better internet experience, Opera’s PC and mobile web browsers, content discovery platform Opera News, and apps dedicated to gaming, Web3 and e-commerce are already the trusted choices of hundreds of millions of active and engaged users. Opera is headquartered in Oslo, Norway, and listed on the NASDAQ Stock Exchange under the OPRA ticker symbol. Download and access Opera’s products and services from www.opera.com.
About Opera GX
Opera GX is not your standard browser. But it could be, just like it is for millions of gamers globally looking for a more custom Internet experience. Along with countless customization options including color themes, sound effects, background music, and a gaming-inspired design, Opera GX includes CPU, RAM and Network Bandwidth limiters that make the browser less resource-hungry and leave more of the computer’s resources for gaming. The browser also includes a Hot Tabs Killer feature, which lets users “kill” the most resource-draining tabs and GX Cleaner to purge those old unwanted files.