Tag Archives: Opera For Android

Opera introduces major updates to its blockchain-browser on Android

The world’s first Web 3 ready browser introduces seamless support for the decentralized web through IPFS support Opera expands 30-second crypto wallet top-ups to the entire EU, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico and Switzerland. Opera users can now register .crypto domain names and wallet addresses Oslo, March 30, 2020 – Opera (NASDAQ: OPRA) was the first […]

Opera adds a better reader mode to its powerful Android browser

Opera (NASDAQ:OPRA) is releasing the newest version of its flagship Android browser. Version 56 of the Opera browser for Android comes with a significantly enhanced reader mode: the redesigned feature improves readability and allows users to stay focused on the content they are reading.  The improved reader mode is Opera’s latest effort to allow people […]

Opera for Android puts less strain on your eyes with a new night mode and by turning bright web pages dark

With version 55 of its Android browser, Opera is continuing to improve the visual experience by introducing a completely redesigned night mode which reduces the light pollution caused by your phone to the bare minimum. Now, Opera not only lets you dim the browser, it also turns white web pages dark – even if they aren’t designed that way. You can also now adjust the color temperature of your browser manually.

Opera presents the State of Mobile Web report 2019 for Africa

Opera, one of the world’s major browser developers, and a leader in the field of content platforms, presented today the State of Mobile Web 2019 report, which gives a detailed look at the digital landscape of the African region. The report reveals that in Q1-2019, the Opera browsers and standalone news app were used by […]