Enhance your travel search with browser tools at your fingertips
Whether it’s a transcontinental adventure or a weekend road trip, anyone can be a spontaneous traveler – all you need is a little practice. With the release of the new iOS version of their mobile web browser, Opera Mini, Opera Software shares some valuable browser gems for the spur-of-the-moment traveler.
Get inspired
When wanderlust hits, start by figuring out the kind of getaway you want to have and settling on a destination. For the spontaneous globetrotter, a great way to get inspired is to roam the web for good ideas. Websites such as StumbleUpon and TripAdvisor are great sites to start to look for locations. Look for locations, or join Secret Escapes for last-minute deals on luxury travel. The Discover feature on the start page of Opera browsers can inspire you with the latest articles about popular travel destinations, local cuisine, art, entertainment and more.
One of the biggest benefits to last-minute trips is the potential cost savings, but it can be hard to keep track of those bargains. Structure your entire trip around the biggest bargains you find by bookmarking in your web browser your hotel, tour or restaurants alternatives or use the Opera Stash function for a quick, customizable single-page comparison.
When arranging travel in the heat of the moment, it’s impossible to read up on everything ahead of time. And, once you’re on your way, you may not have access to the websites you want to read. Use your mobile browser to create your own offline travel guide while waiting for your flight. Just like your movies and music, you can preload the travel-tip webpages you want to read and save them for offline reading later.

Reach out faster
Many browsers enable you to add shortcuts to favorite websites. Using Opera, you can store online travel tools such as XE currency exchange and Google Translate as entries on the Speed Dial start screen for quick access. Organize the entries into folders and these important links will be right at your fingertips while you’re on the go.
Extend your data
Whether you’re in downtown Tokyo or out hiking in the vastness of Death Valley, your internet connection can be limited due to congested bandwidth or poor reception. By using a browser that allows for website compression, you can download and stream faster and spend less on expensive roaming bills. Opera Mini on iOS has two data-saving modes in addition to normal browsing without compression. The Turbo mode shrinks data consumption by 50% while allowing for full website functionality. The Mini mode crunches data even further, allowing you to use up to 90% less data.
Browse privately
When out and about in the world, not everyone needs to know where you have been or where you plan to go. This is especially true when booking tickets on sites that remember you, incrementing prices the longer you search. Opera for computers and Opera Mini have private tabs to give you the ultimate feeling of comfort by removing any trace of the websites you visit.
Travel light with nothing but a wallet, passport and a powerful browser. If you already pack your bag like a pro, make sure to pack your phone for the trip ahead as well. Read more about Opera Mini at http://www.opera.com/travel.
Download Opera for your computer or mobile at http://www.opera.com or visit your favorite app store.